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Advanced AI for Engaging Customer Communication.


Garage Lab -


Garage Lab - B2talk




*Listen to this audio for a comprehensive understanding of its workings.

Tailored Models for Each Business Type

AI solutions individually configured to meet the unique needs of various businesses.

For which?:
Food Service, Booking, Hotel
Beauty salons, clothing stores, fitness centers
Agencies, eCommerce, Retail
Dark, dazzling
Bright, flowers
Futuristic, dazzling
Fly, cyberpunk
Futuristic, dazzling
Watcher, dark
Futuristic, dazzling, car

Each employee is customized for each business

How do we solve your problem?

All business processes are tied to communication and action.




- Problem: In today's tech-driven era, when people are virtually inseparable from their mobile and desktop devices, 82% of consumers anticipate a response to their inquiries within 10 minutes or less.

In fact, over half of these consumers gravitate towards the company that responds first.

+ Solution: B2Talk enhances communication within the business chain, serving both internal and external needs.

+ Benefits: Streamlined communication and improved business efficiency.

Introduction to B2Talk as an AI employee that integrates into online networks.

It is an independent Al employee that integrates into any online network, communicates with customers, and performs tasks strictly in the context of your business.

The 2 main reasons why you need B2Talk:

Enhanced Customer Service: B2Talk offers 24/7 customer service, providing quick and accurate answers to customer queries. It reduces waiting times and improves the overall service experience, ensuring customer satisfaction.

Cost Efficiency: B2Talk helps reduce costs by replacing the need for additional staff. As an AI assistant, it doesn't require salaries, leave, or extensive training. It efficiently handles peak loads, serving a large number of requests simultaneously, and provides multilingual support, catering to customers from different countries.

With B2Talk, you can optimize customer service, gather valuable feedback, analyze customer preferences, and ultimately increase sales while saving on operational expenses.

Let's compare!

Let's compare a regular employee and AI.

Live employee


Capable of Human-like Interaction

Does not require a holiday

Processes large data volumes

Can handle multiple tasks simultaneously

Knows all product items

Available 24/7

Integrate B2Talk into social media!

B2Talk can communicate with customers on any social network and on your website.

B2Talk can serve 100,000 customers at a time

- B2Talk's capability to communicate with customers on social networks and websites.

- Ability to serve a large number of customers simultaneously without delays.

- Fast and efficient service for improved customer satisfaction.

Exploring how our AI employee manages extreme situations

We set up an example by integrating our AI employee into a Vietnamese restaurant.

Confusion Scenario:

1. When the customer is uncertain about their order

We simulated a situation where the customer was unsure of what to order. In this case, we messaged our AI employee, posing as a confused guest. It's part of the AI employee's role to guide the customer towards a suitable choice.

Technical Question Scenario:

2. Dealing with a specific issue

We tested our AI employee with questions unrelated to the menu. We told it that the order button on the website wasn't functioning. The AI employee didn't falter. It attempted to resolve the issue and retain the sale on the website by suggesting the customer switch to ordering via phone.

Negative Feedback Scenario:

3. Hostility towards the business

We also tested how the AI employee would handle a complaint. For instance, we sent it a message claiming to have found a worm in the soup. This allowed us to assess how effectively the AI employee could manage negativity and customer dissatisfaction.

How does it work?

Frequent Questions and Answers

1. Why it will improve my business?

Streamlined Communication

According to a study by ZipWhip, one in three consumers has messaged a business at least once via a messenger service and received no response.

This oversight can have serious implications for businesses.

In today's tech-driven era, when people are virtually inseparable from their mobile and desktop devices, 82% of consumers anticipate a response to their inquiries within 10 minutes or less.

In fact, over half of these consumers gravitate towards the company that responds first.

Therefore, if you're not fully managing all the communication channels your business employs, you risk losing a substantial part of your potential earnings.

2. How does our AI tech help me save money and run your business more smoothly?

Let's face it - not everyone loves their job

This is especially true in areas like retail or service industries where there's a lot of customer interaction and a bunch of different tasks to juggle. But here's where our AI assistant comes in.

This AI helper isn't like your regular employees. It doesn't need a paycheck or time off, and you don't have to spend ages training it. So that's already a good chunk of costs and time saved right there.

And the best part? Our AI can respond to customer questions super quickly and accurately. This means less waiting around for customers and a much better service experience overall. Plus, it frees up your human team to focus on the stuff that really needs a personal touch, making your whole operation run a lot smoother.

3. Which business problems does your AI solution solve?

24/7 customer service: An AI assistant can serve customers around the clock, answering their questions, offering information about services or helping with reservations at any time of day.

Fast and accurate answers: AI can provide quick and accurate responses to customer queries, reducing waiting times and improving the overall service experience.

Multilingual support: AI can communicate with customers in different languages, which is particularly useful for businesses in the HoReCa sector where customers may come from different countries.

Feedback collection: AI can collect feedback from customers to help improve services and offers in the future.

Peak load management: At times of high demand, AI can handle a large number of requests at the same time, reducing the workload on staff.

Customer preference analysis: AI can be used to analyse conversations with customers to identify their preferences and trends, which will help in creating more targeted offers and marketing campaigns.

Cost reduction: Unlike hiring additional staff, an AI assistant does not require salaries, leave, training and so on, thus reducing costs.

Increase sales: By providing fast and efficient customer service, AI can help increase sales and improve overall business profitability.a

4 easy steps to Start using

To start using it, follow 4 simple steps.


Send your request and we'll integrate our system into your business


We incorporate employee AI into your social media platforms and company website


You can monitor all customer interactions with your business


Get real cost optimisation in your business and increase sales

Experience it firsthand!

Discover the B2Talk model specifically designed for restaurants, showcased through its integration into a Vietnamese restaurant.

Our Demo AI

Interactive demo set in a Vietnamese café, showcasing B2Talk's integration and its impact on customer interactions.

Cafe Market

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Key Roles and Functions of Our AI Employee

What can it do?

Sentiment Analysis

Utilize robust analytical capabilities to decipher customer sentiment, enabling the most effective communication strategies.

Sustain Active Customer Engagement

Stay responsive to customer posts on social media and the company's website, fostering an engaging communication platform.

Address Customer Queries

Proactively manage customer enquiries, delivering comprehensive information about the company's offerings and services.

Quick Chat Tracking

Efficiently categorize all communications, enabling rapid location of specific conversation segments.

Customized Service

Every AI employee is individually tailored to meet the unique needs of each business.

High Efficiency

Ensure swift and efficient processing of customer requests, enhancing the overall customer experience.